# Home Assistant Community Add-on: Example [![Release][release-shield]][release] ![Project Stage][project-stage-shield] ![Project Maintenance][maintenance-shield] [![Discord][discord-shield]][discord] [![Community Forum][forum-shield]][forum] [![Sponsor Frenck via GitHub Sponsors][github-sponsors-shield]][github-sponsors] [![Support Frenck on Patreon][patreon-shield]][patreon] Example add-on by Community Home Assistant add-ons. ## About This is an example add-on for Home Assistant. When started, it displays a random quote every 5 seconds. It shows off several features and structures like: - Full blown GitHub repository. - General Dockerfile structure and setup. - The use of the `config.yaml` and `build.yaml` files. - General shell scripting structure (`run.sh`). - Quality assurance using CodeClimate. - Continuous integration and deployment using GitLab. - Usage of the Community Home Assistant Add-ons build environment. - Small use of the Bash function library in our base images. - The use of Docker label schema. {% if channel == "edge" %} ## WARNING! THIS IS AN EDGE VERSION! This Home Assistant Add-ons repository contains edge builds of add-ons. Edge builds add-ons are based upon the latest development version. - They may not work at all. - They might stop working at any time. - They could have a negative impact on your system. This repository was created for: - Anybody willing to test. - Anybody interested in trying out upcoming add-ons or add-on features. - Developers. If you are more interested in stable releases of our add-ons: {% endif %} {% if channel == "beta" %} ## WARNING! THIS IS A BETA VERSION! This Home Assistant Add-ons repository contains beta releases of add-ons. - They might stop working at any time. - They could have a negative impact on your system. This repository was created for: - Anybody willing to test. - Anybody interested in trying out upcoming add-ons or add-on features. If you are more interested in stable releases of our add-ons: {% endif %} [discord-shield]: https://img.shields.io/discord/478094546522079232.svg [discord]: https://discord.me/hassioaddons [forum-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/community-forum-brightgreen.svg [forum]: https://community.home-assistant.io?u=frenck [github-sponsors-shield]: https://frenck.dev/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/github_sponsor.png [github-sponsors]: https://github.com/sponsors/frenck [maintenance-shield]: https://img.shields.io/maintenance/yes/2024.svg [patreon-shield]: https://frenck.dev/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/patreon.png [patreon]: https://www.patreon.com/frenck [project-stage-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/project%20stage-production%20ready-brightgreen.svg [release-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/version-{{ version }}-blue.svg [release]: {{ repo }}/tree/{{ version }}